Now onto the new business and there's lots to tell! We've continued to add new gear to our arsenal including more great microphones, some new pre's and we've upgraded and added to our DAW! We're doing more work in Digital Performer (we've upgraded to 3.1) and we now have 120 GIGS of storage space and a DVD burner for backing up all those files! Make sure to visit our photo gallery pages! Also on our website, we've updated all of our MP3 files so go and check 'em out! Once again due to popular demand, we're holding over last issues Be Prepared featuring info on Mastering. Make sure to check out our mastering special!
Check out our Clients page to see what else we've been up to! And don't forget to visit our Past Clients page. We've got links to plenty of hot local band sites for our friends and clients there!
ON THE NEW GEAR SIDE......Where do we start this update? YIKES!
We visited our friends at Pro Audio Design in Rockland and picked up a pair of amazing Focusrite 85115 mike pres from an old Focusrite board circa 1985. These are some of Rupert Neve's finest! After leaving the company he made famous, he went to work for Focusrite and created these pre's. They sound like chocolate and are very much like his 1073's or 1081's in terms of their warmth and detail.
RECENT ADDITIONS TO OUR MIC LOCKER! We've added three new great sounding mikes to our mike cab since our last update.....While we were at PAD picking up our Focusrites, we realized we needed a pair of world class matched mikes to plug into them, so we listened and bought a matched pair of Audio Technica 4050's. Classic and reliable, they sound great on everything we track with them! We also added one of the holy grails, the Neumann Tube 147! A modern version of their classic Tube 47, this mike sounds warm and full on the lows and crisp and clean on the mids with a sense of presence and air that is totally Neumann! Vocals sound remarkable on this mike!
Some of our newest toys. From left Hammond Porta B, Minimoog, (Rear) Otari BX5050 analog mixdown deck, (on the rack) Kaysounds midi controller, Kawai K5, Jupiter 6 and fender Rhodes. Not shown: Our vintage chickering grand piano, Farfisa VIP600 and Kurzweil K2000VSX
We've also been busy working on our hard disc system. We've added some hot new software to the DAW and it's totally awesome! For synths, we now feature Propellorheads awesome softsynth Reason. This is a totally user friendly and user configurable "virtual rack" of synths, samplers, sequencers and drum machines that accessible from within Performer. No more miles of midi cables and dialing up and editing sounds in the hardware! We also added another program called Dynamo which is another "softsynth" much like reason, except it allows you to build FX as well as sounds and then morph, automate and layer them in real time all from preformer or as a stand alone program (like Reason)....oh yeah, we can't forget the B$ "Classic Hammond" program or the Software Sequential Circuits Prophet 52 ...totally awesome! We've also added the TC Powercore DSP card and all of the great plugins the run on it! This is an awesome stand alone DSP card (much like Pro Tools DSP farm cards) that allow you to use a ton of superb plugins, with no drain on your computer. The run completely off of the powercore card!
We're working on adding and upgrading the plugin's in our Mackie Digital board! Acuma labs has a whole new series of high end mastering tools available right from the board which we will be adding shortly, as well as upgrading and updating all of the plugin's we already have (Antares autotune, Massenberg EQ, Drawmer Dynamics package, Delay and Filter Factor as well as the TC plugins!
About the only thing that hasn't been upgraded are our prices! Book your session with us and get 24 track state of the art product for project studio prices!
As always, we love to hear comments from you. Let us know what you think of our site, and how we can make it better drop us an email and thanks for stopping by!