Congratulations! You've somehow managed to survive the recording process! You've learned your material, slaved for days, weeks or even months in the studio, survived the petty outbreaks between friends and creative partners, recorded, mixed and yes, mastered your project! Now it's time to create the final duplication master which will get shipped off to the manufacturer and be used to cut your glass master (or in the event of short runs, your CDR's).
Most dupe houses today can make your cd's from DAT, or CDR. More and more of them are requesting CDR as the master medium of choice. At 7A West, we provide you with two master discs when you leave out facility. We create a duplication ready master and a reference/listening disc. By their nature CDR's can be a little unstable since the information is etched into the surface of the disc by laser light as opposed to being stamped into it (like a vinyl record).
At 7A West we give you a duplication ready master printed onto a Master Reference Disc. This should be played once (just to check it out) and then only used to cut your glass master. The Master Disc costs a little more, but it's a higher quality disc, less prone to common read/write errors that can occur in the burning process. To minimize these errors, we burn your master at 2X speed. We also provide you with a reference/listening disc. This is a lower quality disc that's just for you to listen to, share with friends etc. Usually burned at 4X speed, it's the disc for you to check and listen to your final product!
Now it's time to find out what we're offering to you.....Our Mastering Special!