Check out the first offering from the Zen Bastards online!

April Fool the debut release from Boston's Zen Bastards is now available for sale online at CDstreet.com just click the icon!

You can also visit our official website www.zenbastards.com for the latest info on what's up with the Bastards!

Make sure to check out the other online Bastards music available FREE! Just go to our 7A West Bastards mp3 page! We're also up on the newly re-established garageband.com....check out our track psychotic larry (a very rare pre-mastered /pre released version) and see what the reviewers are saying about the Bastards! We're a hit! Want to hear some really awesome LIVE jams? Go to MP3.com and listen to one of our musical journeys recorded live at the SkyBar on July 3rd, 2001. It's a two part piece (it was a little long so we had to cut it in half!! - Thanks to Scotty for the edits!)

There's a ton of stuff going on right now as we take a summer hiatus from our long standing SkyBar hang! We're busy working April Fool out there in media land! The reviews are just starting to come in and they're AWESOME!. We've been keeping it "real" and playing around some pretty cool nightspots like Ryles, and Evos Arts Cafe in Lowell, and our home club, The SkyBar! Watch for us soon in your town! We'll be playing all over New England and NY this fall.....Watch this page or visit the new website for updates on where we'll be playing and where you can tune on the radio to hear the Bastards!

In other Bastard news, we're busy cataloging the 24 hours of live material we managed to record over the past 8 months or so at the SkyBar. Watch for our live CD coming the Winter - Zen Bastards - Live at the SkyBar! The band is also taking a lot of time in the studio this summer and working on our follow-up studio disc coming in the Spring/Summer of 03!

Make sure to visit


for up to the minute Bastard news!